9 Most Expensive Funko Pop Figurines

Funko Pop figurines are quickly becoming one of the favorite types of collectibles for memorabilia collectors out there.

There are so many of these figurines out there that it might be overwhelming for you to collect them all.

But they’re fun and interesting, and there are many different styles and characters that you can collect.

Some are more expensive than others though, and we’re going to take a look at which ones are going to be worth more than the rest here.

The 9 Most Expensive Funko Pop Figurines

Here are the most valuable Funko Pop figurines that exist right now.

1. Alex DeLarge Clockwork Orange Funko Pop (Glow in the Dark Version)

Alex DeLarge Clockwork Orange Funko Pop

You’ll see this one top many lists of the most expensive Funko Pop figurines, and for good reason.

This figurine can cost thousands of dollars, but it has to be the “Glow in the Dark” version. The main difference between the standard figurine and this one is that the character isn’t holding a cane, and it glows in the dark.

The reason why it’s more expensive is because this figurine is extremely rare and unique, so you won’t find it easily.

It’s a great way to enhance your collection if you’re a Clockwork Orange fan or if you’re looking for the most valuable Funko Pop figurines.

2. Freddy Funko (Jaime Lannister) #18

Freddy Funko (Jaime Lannister) #18

The first figurine was from a movie, the second one is from one of the most favorite TV shows of all time, Game of Thrones. Despite its (for many people) disappointing ending, this show remains in the hearts of many people.

Jaime Lannister is one of the main characters in the show, and despite him coming from the not-so-popular Lannister family, he’s portrayed as one of the good guys.

But that’s not all that makes this figurine so valuable.

The main reason why it’s so damn expensive is that it’s rare, as it was made specifically for the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con event, so these were only handed out to a few lucky individuals.

Today, this figurine might cost you thousands of dollars.

3. 1950s Elvis Funko Pop #02

1950s Elvis Funko Pop #02

This special figurine of Elvis is one of the most popular but also most expensive Funko Pop figurines that you’ll find out there.

Now, there are several versions of Elvis figurines: this one is from the 1950s, but there’s another one from the 1970s.

This one, in particular, seems to be much more popular and valuable than the 1970s version.

It will cost dozens of thousands if it is pristine, but you’ll likely find many fakes out there, too (just as there were many fake Elvis’s).

4. Adam Bomb Metallic Funko Pop

Adam Bomb Metallic Funko Pop

Remember the Garbage Pail Kids cards?

These horrifying (for the parents) yet amusing (for the kids) cards were created in the 1980s. And Adam Bomb was one of the most popular cards right there.

Garbage Pail Kids cards

Well, if you take a close look at the figurine itself, you’ll see that it doesn’t completely resemble Adam Bomb as he is on the card.

The figurine is metallic and painted in gold, but this is all a part of the special GPK figurine set that was very limited. There are only 10 of these in existence, so you’re probably going to have a tough time finding it.

5. Planet Arlia Vegeta #10

Planet Arlia Vegeta #10

A New York Comic-Con exclusive, the Planet Arlia Vegeta figurine remains to be one of the most valuable Funko Pop figurines of all time.

This figurine is rare because it was made for a specific event, so you’re probably going to have to work hard to find it. If you happen to own one of these, then you’re in luck, because it can cost thousands of dollars if it is authentic.

In any case, this figurine from the Dragon Ball Z universe is going to be among the most popular figurines – as are most Dragon Ball figurines.

6. Metallic Dumbo Funko Pop

Metallic Dumbo Funko Pop

Here’s another figurine that made its debut in the San Diego Comic-Con – Dumbo.

Now, you might find it surprising that a figurine of Dumbo is going to cost that much, but then again, you can clearly see the scarcity in play here.

Based on the Dumbo movie from the 1940s, this figurine represents the elephant that was forced to perform tricks in a circus. There’s the metallic and the regular version, but the metallic one tends to be more expensive.

Because of its rarity, this figurine can cost thousands of dollars if it is authentic.

7. Stan Lee Autographed Funko Pops

Stan Lee Autographed Funko Pops

Stan Lee figurines can be insanely expensive, especially if they are signed and the signatures are authenticated.

Now, there are several versions of these figurines – these are the colored ones, but you’ll also find the metallic versions out there (gold and silver).

Unsigned figurines might be a tad more affordable for your budget, but signed figurines might go for five or even six figures.

8. Michael Jordan Funko Pop

Michael Jordan Funko Pop

Yep, Michael Jordan’s Funko Pop figurine is also going to be near the top of the list of the most expensive Funko Pop figurines.

Now, this is a rare figurine that you won’t easily find, so that’s why it’s going to cost a lot more.

Plus, it’s a figurine of Michael Jordan, and of course, that alone is going to bring a lot of value to this one.

9. Batman Freddy Funko

Batman Freddy Funko

There are so many other Funko Pop figurines that stand out and are expensive, but I simply had to include this one – the Batman Freddy Funko figurine.

Again, this one is a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive, so it’s going to be worth more because of that fact.

And of course, it’s Batman, so you can’t go wrong with it. It’s going to be quite expensive but worth it if you’re a Batman fan.

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  • Vince

    I'm a big time sports nerd, with soccer being my first true love. I've been collecting sports cards since I was a little kid, and now... well, not much has changed, but I write about it... and I have facial hair.

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